Thursday, August 22, 2013

Its time for a change of lifestyle

I've spent over six years of my life in a sort of depression along with random spikes of true happiness.  I spent most of my time researching for the cause of my pain.  In time I realized I was spending to much time trying to grasp knowledge as a tool or weapon for defeating the cause of pain. I gave up. I found peace in nothingness. To my surprise I had found God. He was everywhere, he was in me and always has been.  I didn't have to do anything to feel complete because I was in a pure conscious state.  There was such a profound sense of peace.  Sudden realizations and epiphanies came out of nothingness, like hot air bubbles forming on the floor of a simmering pot of water.  I am knowledge.   "You've been searching for what you left behind.." That which you search for cant be found outside yourself only inside you can you find the truth.  I am a human being.